Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blog Entry #1

My favorite theory was the performance-competence model of technology diffusion. I like this theory because I feel that it explains the way things are invented. The intellectual aspect of inventing coming before the actual invention. It states that an invention starts as an idea, before coming into physical form. The idea is known as competence. You have the knowledge to create the invention, but you have not yet put it into action. This is also known as science and technology.

All of these things happen inside the social sphere. The social sphere is the time frame that the technology is used. If there is a need for the technology you invent, then it will be a success. This is very true if you pay attention to new gadgets such as Ipods, GPS systems, cell phones, and countless other social necessities. People feel the need to buy things because they will make their life easier or more pleasant. I chose this theory because it thoroughly explains the invention process and also explains trends in technology.

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