Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blog #8

Home video is definitely improving the way people communicate. With websites such as youtube.com people are able to create and upload their videos and share them with the world. I like this because it gives ordinary people such as you and me an opportunity to share their views of the world. Youtube gives people a place where they can share their talents and opinions.

The teenage rapper Soulja Boy launched his multi-million album selling career from youtube. He would take an ordinary video camera and record himself rapping and making music videos. The site allowed him to grow a fan base, and eventually launch into the mainstream.

I have never personally uploaded a video to youtube, but I have considered it. I like the idea of being able to share my personal videos with millions of other users.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blog #4

I don't find it hard to believe that radio s experiencing a decline in listeners. The way technology has advanced over the past few years, it is a miracle that radio even still functions. I personally listen to the radio very seldom. CD's and mp3 have stolen a lot of radio listeners. People can choose what they want to listen to and keep a very large selection of music with them at all times; making the radio almost obsolete.

Not to mention the impact the ipod has had on the radio. Now, the people who used to listen to the radio live, listen to it on podcasts at their own convenience. CD's, mp3's, and podcasts are also commercial free, which is another reason I don't listen to the radio. Some people may have a certain program they like to listen to. Another time when people may actually listen to the radio is when they don't feel like controlling the music they listen to. The radio is like listening to a mixtape. Like having a personal DJ in your house.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog Entry #3

ITV is a very clever idea. One factor that could allow it to become more popular in our society is the idea that people can shop from home. Today people are busier than ever, so having the convenience to shop from home is a major factor that could motivate more people to use ITV.

However, ITV has some features that could discourage people from using it as well. It is not a social neccesity, therefore it won't become extremely popular until it becomes one. I believe that the positives will outweigh the negative aspects of iTV and it will become a major part of the entertainment experience.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog Entry #2

Digital TV

Television is a major part of a large percentage of American's day. It has come a long way since its black and white days. With the transition to digital television, I can see it having a more intense effect than it has in years past. Digital television has a much clearer picture than analog televison ever had. Watching television is now better than being at the real event you are watching. I think this could have a potential impact on our society and economy. Now that pictures are so clear, ticket sales to sporting events could decrease. The viewer can now feel as if they are at the game. Some NFL clubs are already having trouble selling tickets, and I think digital television will only hurt their cause.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blog Entry #1

My favorite theory was the performance-competence model of technology diffusion. I like this theory because I feel that it explains the way things are invented. The intellectual aspect of inventing coming before the actual invention. It states that an invention starts as an idea, before coming into physical form. The idea is known as competence. You have the knowledge to create the invention, but you have not yet put it into action. This is also known as science and technology.

All of these things happen inside the social sphere. The social sphere is the time frame that the technology is used. If there is a need for the technology you invent, then it will be a success. This is very true if you pay attention to new gadgets such as Ipods, GPS systems, cell phones, and countless other social necessities. People feel the need to buy things because they will make their life easier or more pleasant. I chose this theory because it thoroughly explains the invention process and also explains trends in technology.